Saturday, April 23, 2011

Buitenzorg: Brief history

Buitenzorg badge-Dutch East Indies

Buitenzorg is the name for Bogor during the reign of the Dutch East Indies. Buitenzorg, which means without anxiety / safe / peaceful rediscovered by the Dutch expedition led by Scipio and Riebeck in the year 1687.

Riebeck & Van Imhoff (sorry i couldn't found Scipio photos)

Buitenzorg Map

Buitenzorg planned as a farming area and resting place for the Governor General. A year later, Governor-General Gustaaf Willem baron van Imhoff (August 8, 1705 Leer-November 1, 1750 Batavia) combines nine districts (Cisarua, Pondok Gede, Ciawi, Ciomas, Cijeruk, Balubur, Dramaga and Kampung Baru) into one government called the New Village Regentschap Buitenzorg.

In that area van Imhoff and then build a palace of Governor-General. In its development, Buitenzorg name used for the Peak, Lake Colors, Megamendung, Ciliwung, Muara Cihideung, until the peak of Mount Salak, and peak of Mount Gede.

1 comment:

  1. i live in Bogor ... and i read about your story of it. it was so interesting to know that we have a great history about why the name of Buitenzorg transformed into Bogor. maybe why it called Buitenzorg is because the colonial found it very relaxing to live apart from the capitalized city which is Jakarta in that time. well i am not really sure... but living in this city is always great for me ... :)
